Sunday, August 17, 2008
5. Into the Land of Zazz
Hours later owlspook could see faint lights glowing through the rain. She knew she had been in the land of Zazz for some time and now she had finally reached the Center Mall. Zazz was a strange land populated by artists and crafters of all trades. But it also was a land of great mystery. Their work was flawless and much prized. It filtered into the marketplace. You could find it quite unexpectantly now and then. But no one had been allowed to travel through the land of Zazz. It was by invitation only. And now owlspook thought I have been invited.
Anticipation grew in her as she neared the Center Mall. Suddenly all the lights but one went out. A beacon as such she thought and followed it down. The rain still fell in torrents and landing was difficult. She was met by an old raven who motioned for her to follow him and so she did. From the center of the mall they moved quickly toward a building unlit. As they approached owlspook could see faces peering out from the windows watching them as they neared the door. The raven knocked once and the door opened. He quickly went in, owlspook following and the door closed behind them. No light was lit but in the dim owlspook could see that they were not alone.
Before she could even shake the rain from her feathers the raven turned and asked 'You have velvet bag with you?' and before owlspook could reply the raven continued 'Do not answer that ... yet answer me this .. have you opened the velvet bag yet?' owlspook looked into the raven's eyes and asked 'who are you to ask this of me?' The old Raven chuckled and replied, 'I am Huginn and my brother there' (he pointed to another raven standing by the door behind owlspook)'is Muninn. We have lived here long in the land of Zazz. We were sent by our master to watch the going ons of the creatures in this land. Many years ago a darkness spread over this land that obscured our master's visions... he could no longer see into the land of Zazz so sent us.'
Huginn paused and motioned for owlspook to take a seat by the large oaken table. Muninn brought a small candle lighting it as he placed it on the table. Both ravens pulled up a chair and sat on either side of owlspook. Out of the dark an old owl appeared carrying a platter of food and jugs of wine.
They all ate in silence and when they had finished and the table cleared Huginn began again. 'We have spent much time moving across Zazz querring the creatures that inhabit it's land. This blight has brought a malaise, a sickness with it. All born here have succomed to it's evil. The light of magic has gone out of their eyes and heart. There is no joy only a deep sadness. Even anger is left drowning in self-pity.' Huginn stopped and his brother Muginn continued.
'In all of memory this evil has come but once before. It was in the time of eons past when another people walked this land. They were creatures of two legs like us but no wings. They had no fur or feathers. They spoke a strange tongue. They kept to themselves but honored their master with sacrifice and ritual. His name is Wōdanaz and his is our master's master. this was before our time and it's all we know and remember of what was known.'
Huginn went on, 'There is one thing we did find out in our travels. It was a story told by an old owl who lived alone in an ancient oak at the edge of the great forest.' owlspook's thoughts began spinning for she too lived in an ancient oak. Only one other she knew of did. It couldn't be, no, she thought. He had gone on many years before she was hatched. It couldn't be. Muninn noticing owlspook's disturbance sat patiently for a moment and said to her, 'Yes it was him. He is still there in his tree and he waits for you.'
owlspook jumped up out of her seat, wing flapping, beak clapping. 'It is NOT possible!' she squawked ... 'he died before I was born and he was an old owl then! It can NOT be!'
Muninn quietly got up and walked over to the large chest of drawers on the back wall. He rummaged through it and took out an old oak box and brought it to owlspook who was still ranting and flapping her wings. As soon as owlspook saw the box she stopped and stared at it with an intensity that made the old ravens chuckle. The raven brothers look at each other and then said in unison 'It is time.'
They took owlspook and made her sit at the table again placing the oak box in front of her. They both said, 'Open the box owlspook.' owlspook looked in turn to both of them. She seemed dazed and confused. This was her grandfather's box long since vanished. She had never seen it before but it had been described to her so many times that she knew it. The urged her to open it and so she did.
Inside was a silver earring .. and she knew then that her grandfather was still alive. It wasn't an ordinary earring. It had power. She had been told that it was her grandfather's earring... that as long as her grandfather was alive the ring would remain on this plane. If he died the box would be empty. This was almost to much for owlspook to take in. How How How was all she could think.
The raven sat patiently allowing owlspook to absorb what was before her. They watched closely and quietly neither moving lest they disturb her.
owlspook's thoughts and memories intermingled .. then out of that tangle she looked up to Muninn an old memory came back to her ... perched next to her father .. herself just an owlet .. a story he told her about the earring ... and the passing of it from one generation to another ... it can't be she thought .. not me .. I don't want it ... it can't be ... yet she knew .. the earring and all that it entailed was to be hers.
Huginn and Muninn allowed owlspook to sit in her own thoughts for quite some time. The candle was running low. The old owl brought another and lighting it removed the old one.
Huginn broke the silence. 'There is more to be said before the night calls us to sleep. Tomorrow we travel to the ancient oak. Your grandfather wishes to speak with you.' And I with him owlspook thought. 'Yes I will go with you for what choice do I have now.' Huginn and Muninn remained quiet.
The old owl returned with two lit candles giving one to owlspook and led her up the stairs to her bed for the night. As the old owl turned to leave owlspook said to him, 'What is your name cousin?' 'I am called Te'hay which is white owl in your dialect.' and with having said that he left her alone to her thoughts.
White owl ... something pricked at her memory but it would not come forward .. although she knew she had heard of Te'hay before but ... oh well, it will come and .. it hit her again .. the silver earring, her grandfather, the velvet bag with the amulet, the quest, the lost treasure, the curse .. too much too much she thought as she readied herself for sleep .. the house was quiet nary a sound and soon after she had eased herself into the bed she was fast asleep.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
4. The Invitation
Owlspook arrived home just before dinner time. She was surprised that none of her guest were waiting for her at the door. Well never mind she thought as she put away the supplies she had bought at the market. Coming into her house she placed the velvet bag on the table. and promptly forgot about it as she busied herself in the kitchen making dinner. The food was cooking on the stove when her visitors returned. Warm greeting and talk about the day filled the moments and soon dinner was brought out and all sat down to eat.
One of her guests, a small hobbit named Fancy found the velvet bag on the table and asked owlspook about it .. owlspook explained to everyone what happened that day at the market. Questions flew left and right and owlspook answered the best she could. None of her guests had heard of the amulet or it's treasure in that lay in the land of Zazz so the hours flew by as they discussed the possibilities. The night of storytelling became lost to their ruminations.
Later into the night owlspook realized that she was quite exhausted and took her leave. She carried the velvet pouch with her placing it inside her pouch. After such a long time discussing it she wanted nothing more than to think no more of it. And so she did. She climbed into her bed and fell fast asleep.
The sun rose as usual that next morning but owlspook slept on and it was after lunch before she awoke. The sun was hiding behind the clouds and the rain ran off her windows. A miserable day, she thought as she got herself up. The house was quiet and her guests had already left leaving their things hidden behind the couch as they had the night before. Guess I ought to fix something to eat, she thought and headed off to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast.
Just as she was ready to sit down and eat the doorbell rang. It was the PostOwl. A letter from a cousin, a note from a friend and an invitation to an art show. Now that is curious she thought as she noticed the return address on the envelope. It was from the land of Zazz! 'Such coincidence!' she said out loud while she opened the envelope. It read, 'You have been invited to attend the first ever Zazz Art Show to be held on the mall.' As owlspook read on she realized the art show was today! 'oh my oh my' she said. She quickly ate, got dressed, cleaned up the kitchen, grabbed her pouch and ran out the door.
The rain slapped against her as she closed the door behind her. Ugh she thought. She really hated to fly in the rain but there was no other way to get there that would get her there in time. As it was it would take a hours even on a good day. Oh well, she thought and off she flew into the rain.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
3. Market Day
Once inside Tara began rummaging around the room digging through baskets, boxes and backpacks strewn about. From a old box Tara pulled out a small velvet bag ... the kind one stores one's treasures in and handed it to owlspook. She then told her that it was an amulet that she had acquired years before from a wandering trader. owlspook was about to open the bag when Tara stopped her. 'You must not remove the amulet unless you accept the quest that goes with it.' owlspook said nothing but motioned for Tara to continue. 'In the land of Zazz there is a treasure that is well valued by those who understand such treasures. Unfortunately I am not one of those that do. The trader who brought me this amulet told me of it but he could not explain to me what the treasure is. He also told me that one would come that would accept the quest, open the bag and see the amulet and that person would understand the treasure.' Tara became quiet for a time fussing around the room. owlspook stood waiting .. looking at the bag .. her thoughts to herself ... Tara spoke again 'Now mind you I have looked into the bag and saw nothing. I was curious enough and willing enough but I guess I wasn't the one. Before you I have showed this bag to others and the same has occurred ... if you accept the quest for this lost treasure there is no way for sure to know if you are the one until you look into the bag. Regardless I cannot keep it anymore. I have told you the story and now it's up to you. Give it away or sell it .. do with it what you wish it is now yours.' owspook thanked Tara and left the backroom and went out into the street. Her thoughts kept drifting back to what Tara told her although she was unsure whether or ot she wanted to go on a quest or that the quest was hers to go on ... Well never the mind ... the day was still young and she still had more things to do before heading home.
A few rows down from Tara's place was Zak's. Although she had no need for another of whatever he sold she wanted to met with him. It was a long time since she had a good chat with her friend. She had known him since he was a young one. Hmm she thought she hadn't seen him since he had left his mother's tree years before but had heard that he had a booth at the market and thought it was a good time to stop by and say hi.
It only took a moment to reach the booth. Zak was busy selling a blanket to an old crow who was obviously trying to haggle down the price. Zak was firm and eventually the old crow paid up and left. owlspook had stood and watched not interrupting her young friend in his business but now with a sweep of her wings she walked up and gave Zak a big hug. This surprised Zak who was going to rebuff this old owl until he noticed it was owlspook. The next few hours were spent in catching up and telling tales of this that and all thing that had happened to them since they last met.
By that time it was already mid-afternoon and owlspook took her leave. Then suddenly the bag she got from Tara dropped onto the floor. Zak reached down to pick it up and stopped abruptly. 'Where did you get that from?' he sputtered. Picking up her bag owlspook replied that Tara had given it to her just hours before. Zak went onto explain that he knew it, it's supposed contents and of the quest but thought it a legend. He also told owlspook that a curse also went with it but the curse had to do with the treasure not the bag. owlspook chuckled and said she didn't believe in curses and that just because she had the bag did not mean that she was going on the quest. 'So what do you plan to do with it?' Zak asked. owlspook just shook her head ... she didn't have a clue. Zak told her to be careful and advised her to get rid of it as soon as possible. As a joke owlspook offered it to him and he paled as he backed away. A bit curious owlspook asked him why he was so afraid of an unopened bag. Zak replied, 'The curse.' They talked a few more minutes about it and owlspook left considering the thought of destroying the bag and all that it contained. It might have been better if she had.
With her shopping done and her company soon to be returning owlspook left the market and headed home. Thoughts of the amulet flew from her mind and all she thought about was how she was going to continue her story of the King of Cats and the Gathering of Ten.